It's Vintage Christmas Monday again! I thought for sure I'd have all my Christmas stuff out (or at least enough out, because I'll seriously never be able to use it all, unless we move into the Biltmore), and would have more material to post last week. I am fighting the urge to just drag everything out an once, and have been doing it little by little this year.
In my last post, I showed you my yarn cabinet, and now I want to show you the treasures inside.

This drawer is full of my collection of vintage greeting cards and postcards. I've picked them up at estate auctions and just love them. I've got them sorted by holiday, and love to look through them. I don't use them nearly enough beyond propping into a flower frog for a holiday. But I love knowing they're there. They contain friendly greetings and expressions of love between people I've never met. I can't imagine the messages, let alone the beautiful artwork, ending up in the trash.
Here's a closer look.

Several years ago I did use some of the cards for a decoupage project. I cut the actual cards (yes, now I would scan and print copies) and Mod Podged them onto a lampshade. I trimmed it with the red beaded fringe for a little jolly fun. If I were doing the project today, I probably would go for a little less boudoir of a trim, but a little beaded fun is okay once a year, right?

This little Santa was a surprise in a box lot from an auction. His sticker is not readable, but I am sure he's from the occupied Japan era. I have a similar Santa that's larger, and I like to put candy canes in his bag.

Visit Anything Goes Here to read more blogs feature vintage Christmas items.